onsdag 2. januar 2008

A New Year Has Begun!

Is there a better way to end a year than by a couple of days of ski mountaineering?

Prince Charming and I went to Hemsedal, a famous ski resort in Norway on Saturday to visit a friend that lives there. Another friend of us was already there, so that made four of us for the weekend.

Unfortunately I've only got photos from the first of our two skiing days. The battery of my camera went dead. The sun was shining but it was quite windy on Sunday. Monday was Easter-like with the sun actually warming and no wind at all. A friend took some photos on that second trip, so I'll try and post one when I get them. All the photos here are from the windy Sunday.

Prince Charming in the wind at the summit. I was standing behind the cairn which is a big pile of stones common on summits. It is to mark the summit and in earlier times it was a way to see what summits had been ascended. I was out of the wind since the cairn was so big so I just look rediculous with the big goggles and my neck gaiter pulled up high.

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